With over 20+ years of experience in the cleaning industry

We are a reputable provider of high-quality cleaning service throughout Ghana

Our cleaning system has been developed and perfected over 20+ years .We have been dedicated to providing exceptional cleaning and disinfection services to our clients in a variety of industries and facilities. We are your trusted cleaning team on a mission!

We offer a variety of services such as deep cleaning, janitorial commercial cleaning, industrial cleaning, upholstery and carpet cleaning, residential cleaning, disinfection and more.

We are proactive and provide quality service to our clients. We believe in teamwork, so we strive to fully understand the client’s needs and expectations and respond quickly.

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Our Clients


Head Office

Okaoma House, Agbogbloshie Opp. Onion Market

+233 247 816 835 / +233 244 360 613